Followers of Jesus, 60 delegates representing 28 countries and territories, gathered over the last week in Istanbul, Turkey. I joined the Global Gathering of Global Trust Partners. The Lord ignited my soul as I spent time with beautiful people living for the Kingdom of God from all over the globe.

As we convened I felt mesmerized by the diversity of cultures, colors, and creativity united under the banner of Jesus Christ. The world of humanity for which our Savior gave His life reflects the beauty and passion of God. What an honor to be in the presence of many Christ-followers, committed to sharing the Gospel with the globe designed by God!

Although God has me living in Littleton, Colorado, in the middle of the USA, I realize afresh the local and global mission of God. I read of God’s heart throughout Scripture for the entire globe and wonder more about His invitations to each of us for His kingdom movement.

Global – relating to the whole world; worldwide.

God made us to inhabit the whole earth and He alone allotted the times for our existence and the places in which we live (Act 17:26). We live in cities, villages, countries and continents by God’s decree. We live in this world at this time in this specific era of human history. Because of technology, transportation, and translation, we live in a world connected globally.

I met people who live in Nigeria, Egypt, Malaysia, Nepal, Dominican Republic, China, Botswana, Taiwan, Poland, and many more countries. God designed each of us, to use all we are, and all He has given to us for His work both locally and globally.

What comes to your mind when you wonder about the word, “global”? How do you feel when you consider God’s heart for the world? In what ways do you feel connect or disconnected to God’s worldwide mission?

Let me encourage you: although God placed you exactly where you are locally, He also offers opportunities to join Him in demonstrating His love and salvific grace and mercy globally. In what ways might global engagement appear in your life?

Here a few ideas:

  • Releasing financial resources – in what ways can you invest in ministry around the globe with the money God has given you?
  • Sharing relational connections – to whom might you introduce your friends, family, business partners, neighbors, contacts, etc. for worldwide work?
  • Engaging your unique gifts and passions – how might your talents and convictions play a part in the Kingdom of God?
  • Employing your education and experiences – what actions, resulting from your specific training and life experiences, can add to the flourishing of the Gospel around the world?
  • Spreading the gift of the Good News you’ve received  – in which ways might your spiritual journey impact those near and far for God’s glory?
  • Caring for God’s creation – to what extent can you make God’s name known as you steward the care of the globe?

I notice that most of us struggle to live out this twofold dynamic. On one hand, we might live with a local-only mindset instead of embracing God’s global heart. Or, on the other hand, we live so focused on the “globe” that we fail to rightfully care for the local space into which God placed us. Let’s live with a holy synergy; paying attention to both the local and global invitations of God.

What if we live with both a local and global perspective? How can you participate with God locally and globally?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. – John 3:16

This week – – – 

Reflect on Psalm 97 Using your holy imagination, soak in this Psalm. Picture the imagery in the Psalmist’s words. Pause and praise God that He is most high over all the earth. Wonder with God about His invitations to exalt Him globally.

Request. In what ways is God drawing you to live both locally and globally? How might your choices each day shift in order to have a local mindset as well as a global mindset? Move towards God through some of the ideas I shared to release, share, engage, employ, spread, and care. Talk with someone about what you notice.

Receive. Allow John 3:16 to rumble through your soul this week. Receive God’s tender care for your soul and inquire of God the ways you can join Him in His global work. 

Follow Soulcare Anchoress on instagram: soul_careanchoress

Drips from the Word: Muse about these Bible verses. Let these truths impact your living.

Matthew 24:14 –  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 28:18-20 – Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Splashes from the Spigot: Drink from deep wells. Read these recommended books to fill your soul.

MPH, Florence Muindi, MD, (Author), Charlie Vittitow DMD AAACD (Author), Joseph Sindorf & 2 more. Teach a Man to Fish: Engaging the Local Church to Create Sustainable, Transformational Missions. Carol Stream, IL, 2024.

Ryan Shaw. Rethinking Global Mobilization: Calling the Church to Her Core Identity. Rochester Hills, MI, 2022.

Sprinklings of Truth: Soak in meaningful songs. Check out these music videos to lift up your spirit.

Casting Crowns. Until the Whole World Knows.

YWAM Kona Music. Missionary Anthem.

Puddles for Prayer: Thank you for praying for upcoming travel and speaking engagements.

October 30 – South Fellowship Church, Sisterhood Women’s Gathering

November 8 – Breathe Retreat
Littleton, CO.

November 9-13 – Soul Care Encounter (Click here for more details)
Black Rock Retreat, Quarryville, PA

If you’d like to read the GTP Trip Report from this gathering, email me and I’ll send it to you.

If you’d like to watch the zoom recording of the training – Spiritual Direction for those Living in War-torn Countries, email me and I’ll send it to you.