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For much of my life when a year ended, I would move into the new year without intentional reflection and preparation. Life felt demanding, and so I did my best in the moment and circumstances. I cared deeply about each day, but did not practice purposeful reflection as preparation and anticipation for a new year. Relationships, service, work, and culture seemed to push against this deliberate habit which bridged the end of one year and the beginning of a new year.

In what ways do you bridge one year to the next? What keeps you from reflecting: work, ministry, service, fear, relationships, pride, misunderstanding, busyness? How does God draw you to reflect with Him?

Several years ago, I began to embrace the gift of exploring with God specific moments and feelings throughout the day. It became a joy to listen for God and pay attention to when He was meeting me, encouraging me, convicting me, and challenging me throughout my daily activities. My relationship with Jesus dove deeper as I pondered His active engagement in my life. I grew in attentiveness to God’s presence as well as times when He felt distant. I became more aware of His love and the ways He drew me to Himself. I observed when I resisted God’s love and failed to express His goodness to others. God’s gifting and longings within my heart became alive and I developed discernment into the unique ways He designed me. For me, this daily gift broadened into a yearly practice.

Intention – An aim, aspiration, hopes, purpose, or plan.

When I begin the new year, I set aside a day with intention to survey the past year and wonder with God about the forthcoming year.  Last Thursday, in between dog walks with Grace, I spent this profound space with the Lord. Although at home, I set aside technology and distraction to pay attention with God. It was a lovely day. I lit one of my favorite candles, drank hot tea, and sat with God as my companion, looking back at each month in 2024. I noted the events and travel within the year, the ebb and flow of relationships and commitments, as well as the ups and downs in my journey with Jesus.

Taking this survey of last year involved a careful and curious, yet non-judgmental look back in order to move forward into 2025. I paid attention to God’s presence and my thoughts, feelings, and longings throughout the year in review. I praised God for His goodness in the midst of challenges and His presence through hardship. I thanked God for His many blessings and comfort. I pondered the ways God drew me to Himself and my response to His invitations. This reflection led me into confession, celebration, and considerations for the future.

I look with intention for the purpose of inspiration by the Spirit of God as I move into a new year. This reflection differs from goals to attain or resolutions to change. I nuance the aim and aspiration of intention with God’s grace and hope instead of shame and guilt like traditional resolution-making or goal-setting. Engaging this practice in God’s presence offers peace which leads to cleansing, clarity, and connection with the Lord. I desire to make the most of the time God gives and being intentional positions me for meaningful, fruitful living.

What would it look like to set aside some time to reflect on 2024 and wonder with God about 2025 to become aware of His invitations, transformation, and companionship? How does it feel to cooperate with God by living with intention?

For me, this practice has morphed over the years. In the past, God and I settled on a word, phrase, or Scripture that I sensed the Spirit wanted to use to guide me through the year. For the last few years though, the Lord has led me to develop ABC’s for the year. On my day of survey last week, I wrote in my journal thoughts, feelings, experiences, longings, and Scriptures that stirred within my mind and heart as I wondered with God about where I had been in 2024 and where He might be drawing me in 2025. Then, I sat with my scribbles and let the Holy Spirit help shape my ABC’s for 2025. Using words I had written or synonyms, I gathered words or phrases for the first few letters of the alphabet to guide my intention for 2025. It seems easier to remember when I do it this way 😊.

The words and phrases are dynamic, not static; I will hold them loosely with God and welcome the ways they will likely shift and flow throughout the next year. Nevertheless, these ABC’s offer a framework and aim as I encounter people, experiences, culture, joy and sorrow, etc. in the coming twelve months. These ABC’s give both a focus and filter through which I can approach each day, week, month. I wondered if God might use my ABC’s to encourage and spur you on in Him as you enter 2025.

ANCHOR in the hope and joy of God through communion with Him and community with others
BALANCE in work, play, exercise, relationships, and rest
COMPOSE from who I am and the way God created me; using my creativity in offering soul care, supervision, retreats, and writing
DISCOVER and delight in who God is by studying and meditating on His attributes and characteristics
EMBRACE life’s circumstances with contentment; yield to God’s protection, timing, and ways
FORM my life in God, by God, for the glory of God; surrender to His transforming power and movement
GROW my heart and mind through service, research, and reading
HONOR in my identity in Christ; being authentic and true to others and God by reflecting His unique design within me

These words, phrases, and A-H’s help me live with intention as I enter 2025. What will help you live with intention in 2025? The year has just begun – there is plenty of time to sort this with the Spirit of God alive within your soul. Welcome God’s presence as you ponder where you’ve been in 2024 and where He is taking you in 2025.

Happy New Year! 🎉

This week – – – 

Reflect. Reflection leads to renewal (Lamentations 3:40 – “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.”) and refreshment (Jeremiah 31:25 – “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”). How do you experience God’s renewal and refreshment as you enter this new year? Share with someone the ways you are entering 2025 with intention. 

Request. Thank God for His goodness and grace. Ask the Lord to guide your heart and mind as you consider what He has for your journey with Him into the new year. Ask God to help you live with intention. Be in His presence.

Receive. Rest in the safety and security of God’s love. Know that He sees you, hears you, understands you, accompanies you, and moves on your behalf (Exodus 3:1-12). God is intentional with you. Breathe deeply with Him (Acts 17:28) and receive His peace (Philippians 4:4-6). 

Follow Soulcare Anchoress on Instagram: soul_careanchoress

Drips from the Word: Muse about these Bible verses. Let these truths impact your living.

Romans 12:2 – Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Matthew 7:7 – Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Splashes from the Spigot: Drink from deep wells. Read these recommended books to fill your soul.

Gregory Fontus. Live Intentional: A 31-Day Journey of Purpose With God. 2024.

Allen Jackson. Intentional Faith: Aligning Your Life with the Heart of God. Nashville, TN. 2020.

Sprinklings of Truth: Soak in meaningful songs. Check out these music videos to lift up your spirit.

Hillsong Worship. From the Inside Out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwK-icFxiXY

Travis Greene. Intentional. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH3f0ellNv8

Puddles for Prayer: Thank you for praying for upcoming travel and speaking engagements.

January 10 – Breathe Retreat, Littleton, CO

January 13-17 – Denver Seminary Spiritual Direction Cohort

January 28 – February 12 – Australia