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My car accident opened a “Pandora’s Box.”

Pandora’s Box – a process that generates many complicated problems as the result of unwise interference in something; Or something that causes a lot of problems to appear that did not exist or were not known about before.

I received numerous phone calls from the Colorado State Trooper who arrived at the scene in the days that followed my accident. Another call with the insurance company led to numerous verbal interactions. These phone interchanges prompted conversations with multiple claims adjusters for the vehicle and medical aspects of the event. It seems that an entire army coordinates the consequences of a collision by an uninsured drunk motorist.

Then, there are the forms with the medical professionals. Details and more details must be documented and treatment plans need to be accompanied by carefully outlined processes. Sometimes, I’m not sure which phone call to return first and to which email to send clarifying information. The last two weeks have generated many complications in efforts to resolve my unexpected vehicle accident. My already full days suddenly became much more complicated.

When have your experienced the opening of a Pandora’s Box?

A job transition, residence shift, health crisis, natural disaster, and relational conflict each contain potential to generate unexpected and unwanted problems. Sometimes our own choices expedite these crises and other times difficult challenges arise due to the choices and behaviors of others.

While in greek mythology, the curious Pandora used a key to open a jar or box containing many evils (sins) which infected the world, the Bible offers a different kind of Pandora’s Box. Our triune God released His own kind of reverberations by sending Jesus to solve the problem of sin in the world through His sacrifice for all mankind. Jesus is our only Hope. He is the solution to all of the complicated problems of this earthly life. Additionally, throughout Scripture God offers the key to true hope and peace against the evils of this world. Words abound within this box shaped “Book” of hope.

The book of Psalms within the Bible unlocks pain, despair, and hopelessness with true, wise words written by real people facing real circumstances involving complicated problems.

I experience great consolation from the authenticity and truths from the writers of the Psalms. Often I discover my soul resonating with the emotions and expressions conveyed in the recorded 150 Psalms. The words found within the Psalms usher vulnerable hearts into the presence of God by connecting the trials and evils of this world with the hope of eternal relief found in God.

Here are a few questions with which you might identify and a Psalm which graciously and honestly addresses the complexity of the situations found in life:

  • How do you know God hears your cry? – Read Psalm 55
  • Do you wonder if God is for you? – Read Psalm 56
  • Do you desire your words to be led by God? – Read Psalm 19
  • Are you desiring God’s protection? – Read Psalm 3
  • Do you feel physically weak? – Read Psalm 6
  • Are you looking for the justice of God? – Read Psalm 9
  • What are ways to live righteously? – Read Psalm 112
  • Need wisdom to follow God’s commands? – Read Psalm 119
  • Do you wonder about God’s purpose for you? – Read Psalm 138
  • Are you feeling insecure in your identity? – Read Psalm 139
  • Do you look for the hope of Christ? – Read Psalm 45
  • What are ways to praise God? – Read Psalm 150
  • How does God meet you in the midst of emotional pain? – Read Psalm 86
  • Do you need God’s forgiveness? – Read Psalm 79
  • What does being still look like? – Read Psalm 46
  • Would you like to grow in authentic praise? – Read Psalm 40
  • Do you need strength to trust God as your refuge? – Read Psalm 37
  • Are you longing for God to rescue you? – Read Psalm 71

The list could go on and on. God compassionately opens His heart to us through all of Scripture and especially in the Psalms. In these chapters, we identify with the sentiments, fears, concerns, joys, and griefs as the writers vulnerably hold nothing back from God.

We experience recognition and validation for those deep sighs within our soul that are often difficult to identify.

Open God’s box-shaped Book of Hope which unleashes forgiveness and peace in a world trapped in fear and trouble. Receive His tender care in the midst of life’s many hardships. Know that others too have received the light and love of God from His “box” which bring strength, delivering you to freely follow Him.

You are Loved by God no matter how complicated the matters you face today.

The God of the universe delights in companioning alongside you to navigate the highs and low of life. Allow His words to extend hope to the hopeless, joy to the sorrowful, and peace to the disturbed. God gave the key through His Son, Jesus, to open the box to eternal hope, joy, and peace.

Drips from the Word: Muse about these Bible verses. Let these truths impact your living.

Psalm 138:3-8
On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul. All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O Lord, for they have heard the words of your mouth. They shall sing of the ways of the Lord, for great is the glory of the Lord.For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly; but the haughty he perceives from far away. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve me against the wrath of my enemies; you stretch out your hand, and your right hand delivers me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Splashes from the Spigot: Drink from deep wells. Check out these suggested readings to fill your soul.

Matthew Jacody. Deeper Places: Experiencing God in the Psalms. Grand Rapids, MI. 2013.

Timothy Jemly. God’s Submarines: Go below the waves of stress, anxiety and heartbreak using these simple tools to deepen your relationship with God. Jacksonville, FL. 2019

Puddles for Prayer: Thank you for praying for upcoming travel and speaking engagements.

March 9 – Lakewood, CO
MOPS, The Bridge Church at Bear Creek