303-803-3236 [email protected]

I learned from friends and family to never click a link in an email from an unknown or unverified source. Yet, I was unprepared for a phone message stating that I failed to appear for a court summons and would face severe consequences. I quickly called the phone number, desiring to clear up the situation and reschedule my “mandatory court order.”

The gentleman at the end of the phone line stated that he was with the Douglas Country Sheriff Office and quickly quoted a badge number. Because of my “failure to appear,” he declared that a warrant for my arrest was issued. He also stated that I was under a court order which prevented me from disclosing details to anyone else. He stated that I signed the subpoena at my home (he knew my address) and therefore was responsible. I told the man I did not sign anything, to which he communicated that the law required that I must present myself for a handwriting analysis.

Needless to say, for nearly an hour, I was trapped on the phone with threats and confusion. The “officer” sent an official notice to my email with a link to reschedule the date of my “court appearance.” In the midst of the “urgency” to deal with this official order by the federal court, I did not question when I was directed to click the link, create an account, and complete the one time registration to reschedule.

I was scammed.

The individual and his “supervisor” (whom I asked to speak with) developed an atmosphere of isolation, fear, and urgency within the phone communication. As I sobbed into the phone, attempting to understand what I had done wrong, these deceptive people directed me to the appropriate steps to remedy my “delinquency” with the law.

Then, my daughter-in-law arrived and witnessed my stress and concern. She, too, heard the frightening directives of the “officer.” However, when he mentioned the “gag order” to silence my words, she felt like something was off. But, what? She called my son, Sammy, who quickly came home from his work and began to intervene into the situation. On his phone Sammy called the Douglas County Sheriff Office and discovered there was not any officer with the name I had been given, nor any badge number like the one given.

I hung up the phone. The caller attempted to re-call me several times. I shook with fear, confusion, and panic. I felt vulnerable and violated.

Scam – A dishonest scheme. The use of deception to gain information, money, or possessions from someone fraudulently; to swindle or defraud.

The scammers used isolation, fear, and urgency to confuse and deceive me. Sadly, they will likely use similar tactics to prey upon other innocent people. These manipulators sounded official and used words that were unfamiliar to me. They knew how to deceive me into sharing my information and endeavored to keep me from communicating my dilemma with any outside person to get help. In reflection, these people seemed to follow the devil’s ways.

The devil tries to scam us. He lies to us and uses fear, isolation, confusion, haste, and manipulation to lure us from what is right and true. Resembling what is authentic, the father of lies, suggests subtle twists to draw us away from God and away from walking in the true light. The enemy of Christ-followers masquerades as the father of light. At times he sounds real and offers counterfeit alternatives that seem legitimate. We must be on guard.

Now, I say that my identity is on lockdown. Since this incident, I have frozen my credit, social security number, filed a fraud report with a genuine deputy from the Douglas County Sheriff Office, and informed my banking institutions. My personal information rests secure within these rigorous measures.

This causes me to wonder…what if understanding our true identity in Christ offers secure measures against the devil? When we know who we are because of Who we belong to, the enemy loses his ability to instill fear, confusion, isolation, and urgency.

In the Lord, we are safe, protected, and freed from deception. The Father of life, truth, and freedom guards and guides us. Nevertheless, we must take rigorous measures to live attentive to the Holy Spirit within our soul, heeding His whispers and cautions to the manipulative ways of the devil.

This week – – – 

Reflect. One of my favorite verses is 1 John 5:18, which reminds me that I am a child of God, begotten of God, and the evil one cannot touch me. Wonder about any spaces in your life where fear, isolation, urgency, and confusion reside. Might the enemy masquerade in these areas? What truth does the devil twist with subtle lies and deception? Lockdown your identity in Jesus Christ. Click here for list of Scriptures declaring your identity.

Request. Thank God for His power and presence. Ask Him to guard your heart and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). Rest in the tender care of God. Imagine our Triune God surrounding you, protecting you, and speaking Truth over you.

Receive. Receive the comfort of God to the wounded spaces within your soul. Allow God to meet you and care of you. Embrace God’s healing presence and live in the freedom He offers (2 Corinthians 1:2-3). With whom can you share your experience of the comfort of God? With whom can you extend comfort?

Follow Soulcare Anchoress on Instagram: soul_careanchoress

Drips from the Word: Muse about these Bible verses. Let these truths impact your living.

John 8:44 – He [the Devil] was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

2 Corinthians 11:14 – Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Splashes from the Spigot: Drink from deep wells. Read these recommended books to fill your soul.

John Ramirez and Sid Roth. Exposing the Enemy: Simple Keys to Defeating the Strategies of Satan. Shippensburg, PA 2020.

Neil T. Anderson. Victory Over the Darkness: Realize the Power of Your Identity in Christ. Bloomington, MN. 2020.

Sprinklings of Truth: Soak in meaningful songs. Check out these music videos to lift up your spirit.

Hillsong Worship. Who You Say I Am. Click here to watch & listen.

Lauren Daigle. You Say. Click here to watch & listen.

Puddles for Prayer: Thank you for praying for upcoming travel and speaking engagements.

January 28 – February 12 – Australia (Women’s Retreat Feb. 1)

February 14 – Breath Retreat (10am-12pm), Littleton, CO (all are welcome)

March 16-18 – Soul Care Encounter, Black Rock Retreat, Quarryville, PA Click here for information

April 22-May 5 – Poland and Ukraine (Teaching intensive course, “The Care of Souls,” at UBTS)