

We walked through the grass and with a broken stick tapped the trunk of each tree along the way. Then, we joined the well-worn concrete path which led to Bear Creek. Toes tapped grasshoppers causing them to hop. Noses smelled delicate white flowers with yellow...


One of my earliest memories dates back to the first grade. With my young classmates, I dressed up with white hats, flowing aprons, and pretend wooden shoes. Together we sang “Tip toe through the tulips…” Vaguely I recall simple choreography and colorful tulips...


Meals offer organic space for conversation and connection. This past weekend, while visiting my parents in Northern California, Gary and I enjoyed many meals with family. We talked about life, shared stories, reminisced on past gatherings, pondered the future, and...


I thought building a puzzle offered a fun entertaining activity. Puzzles have been popular amongst my friends since covid hit nearly a year ago, so the idea of working with family members – piece by piece – to recreate a picture seemed like a good idea....


I escorted Sophie into the medical building, meeting the nurse at the door. Clad in a mask, accompanied with post operation instructions, I returned to the car anticipating a phone call indicating the time to pick her up after her oral surgery. A little over an hour...