303-803-3236 [email protected]


I love when God gets my attention by sending me a message through multiple channels. The other day a friend suggested I listen to an app called Pray As You Go. The simple 13 minutes of reflection focused on the story from Mark 9:14-29 when a young boy’s father cried...


One of the pleasures of traveling to different countries is the joy of learning new words and expectations. While in Australia, I learned a few words that I like quite a bit. Instead of garbage, our Aussie mates say “rubbish.” Say rubbish aloud five times – it...


The older gentleman remained in his wheelchair watching the TSA agent remove items from his overstuffed bag. As I walked by the agent held up two bottles, one of aftershave and the other, cologne, informing the seated witness that he couldn’t take these items with him...