303-803-3236 [email protected]


As I consider the word, “landscape,” I notice a few things. Last month when traveling into Ukraine, the bus traversed a curved road through the Carpathian Mountains. Lush green trees and rolling hills filled the landscape. While riding the train from Kviv to Kharkiv,...


In the last few weeks spring sprung in Colorado. Green blades slice through the tender dark soil. Blossoms burst into color. White, pink, yellow, and green colors decorate woody branches and slender stalks. Bulbs deep within the earth give rise to the colors of the...


“Sit or lie down for twenty minutes a day and count the number of times the baby kicks.” During a spiritual direction session with a young expecting mom, she shared with me the directions given to her by the doctor. Her baby, due in May, should be moving around inside...


This new season of COVID19 has challenged every one of us in different ways. While we each experience unique trials and suffering, I wanted to share one of my own struggles over the last two weeks. No matter what you encounter through the ups and downs of this time, I...