

This past weekend, we planted seeds in the garden boxes alongside our home. We spaced them out following the directions on each package. Then, in God’s providence, it rained most of the night. Hopefully, in a week or so, little sprouts will push through the soil...


March has been a historic month for the Hoag household. On March 2, under the San Diego drizzling sky, along the shore of the Pacific Ocean, Peter Gomez asked, “Sophie Victoria Hoag, will you marry me?” Utterly surprised, yet totally confident, Sophie responded with a...


I love Hope St. Teresa. She’s my son’s 16 month old German Shorthaired Pointer. But, sometimes when I watch her for him, she wears me out. And, I am sure at 10 years old, our GSP, Joy St. Clare, feels the same way. :—) A typical day includes walking Hope about 8...


If you had 30 minutes to do whatever you wished, how would you fill the space? Most people think about doing a specific task. Others try to cram an hour’s worth of work in that timeframe. Few choose rest. Did you know that rest occurs more than 500 times in the Bible?...


Have you ever received a card that crunched when you squeezed it and then, as you gently shook it, you noticed a gentle rattle within? In that moment, you identify the card’s contents and wonder if there is any way to open the envelope without letting the contents...


Sophie’s little 2000 Toyota RAV4 motored along. She and I were ahead of schedule and nearly half way from Colorado to California to take her back to school. So, I guess you could say, we were in the middle of nowhere. We had left the house early that morning with...